Wow, time to dust off this old page and let all of you (0 total people) know what's been going on in the wonderful world of J.C. lately!
So aside from the "Rodenhold" series, I've also published two stand-alone novels and I'm nearly done working on a short graphic novel as well.
"Inferno Application" is a sci-fi psychological thriller wherein the main character, Scott Peretti, is recovering from an experimental criminal rehabilitation program that places murderers and convicts in a chair to wear a virtual reality headset that fires impulses at specific areas of their brain to distort their perception of time, leading them to believe they've been captive inside of the "Inferno" program for years even though in reality the process only takes a few hours. Sean's virtual sentence was meant to seem like a millennium, and when he exits the console he begins struggling with what he and his wife suspect to be PTSD. Strange visions haunt him and clues are left at every turn, making him wonder if his son's cryptic warnings are somehow connected to something far worse.
The book is available on Lulu at this link:
Inferno Application (paperback) on Lulu
"The Sect" is also available on Lulu. If you're not into horror (and I mean
horror, not that monotonous Hollywood junk) then you might as well steer clear. Roy and Jan Ackerman are a set of parents who move with their adopted daughter, Cheryl, to a small town in Iowa called Angel's Road. Upon settling in, however, strange things begin to happen. Scarecrows are found in places they wouldn't normally be. Peculiar warnings in black ink appear everywhere, and the townsfolk seem to know something but are reluctant to reveal it to the new movers. When Cheryl is abducted by a cult from the town's local church, her parents are forced to make an impossible decision: make her "walk through the fire" or watch her suffer The Martyr's Death, a fate far worse than death itself. Brace yourself for an intense read and find out if you can stomach your way through to the shocking twist at the end:
The Sect (paperback) on Lulu

I suppose I might as well mention this while I'm giving you all of these updates. Writing isn't the only thing I do, as I stated in my previous post I am also drawing and coloring comics, but I've also began dabbling (heavily) in music production and I've recently finished creating an album. It's a rap album so yeah, you might not like it, and it seems atypical for an author to spit mad bars, but you might be surprised when you hear it. This isn't the proper way to market to people since it's the first thing that'll turn you away, but I created and mastered all of the beats and performed all of the lyrics, even made the cover art from scratch. The album is on iTunes at the link below and plenty of songs are available on my YouTube channel as well. I use a variety of musical styles on the album and if you like dubstep & electronic, check out the song "White Kids Can't Rap" (with the green lightning and robot-head-thingy.) I figured I might as well mention it since this page is about my creative efforts as a whole, not just books.
DTR - "Over My Dead Body" full album on iTunes
Whew! So, I guess that about covers everything for the updates. Just know that with everything I do, I go hard at it. Yeah. Have a good year!